PREMIUM contention range
With our PREMIUM contention range, restraint pens, races, corral handling can be created.
Calf pen!
Our latest innovation is designed to meet the needs of your nursery with unequalled practicality…
Creep feeder with reclinable pen L2.50 m
This new creep feeder in galvanised sheet metal offers a food capacity of 1,180 Liters and has a hatch allowing to adjust the distribution's flow of food, a tipper wide roof with…
View galleryBasic hay rack small animals
This concept of barred elements helps to protect the hay from being trampled by goats and sheep. The hay bale is simply placed on the ground: no trough and no roof. Available in 2 sizes: 1.60 m x 1.60 m (8 spaces) or 1.60 m x 2.60 m (13 spaces).
Goat | Sheep | Hay rack and feeders
View gallery CONFORT PLUS VL self-service
Awarded a Gold Summit in 2023! Designed for optimized comfort of dairy cattles, this self-service feeder is made of curved HDPE elements that provide comfort and limit the push on the elements at the trough. A true innovation in the self-service category, it does not replace a headlock and does not allow for animal restraint. WATCH THE VIDEO
View galleryGoat hurdle
The goat hurdle is easily movable and allows for the creation of enclosures to contain goats. Its height of 1.15 m and vertical bars prevent goats from climbing. The goat hurdles are available in two lengths: 1.5 m or 2m.
View gallery 2.50 m Hurdle with man passage
The sheep hurles range is expanded with a 7-rail model of 2.50 m length, including a man gate with quick opening and closing. This solution provides greater ease of handling when creating pens and offers a safety element for the farmer, allowing them to move from one pen to another without having to climb over the barrier. WATCH THE VIDEO
View galleryIV Safety headlock
This safety headlock for dairy herds is robustly designed, with a head passage in the upper section equivalent to the safety clearance in the lower section, enabling the livestock handler to remove a collapsed animal. Comfortable and quiet operation.
View gallery AUTOLOCK / SURLOCK barriers
A range of barriers designed for both dairy and beef cattle. 3, 4 or 5-tube telescopic barriers, with the option of having a front section equipped with AUTOLOCK bolts which allow the barrier to be “slam” locked on small lengths. Our robustly designed barriers have been the market reference since the telescopic barrier was invented in 1980. Smooth and secure operation.
Cattle | Barriers | Autolock | Surlock
View gallery Cowflex II cubicles
The latest generation of pins is an innovation in the field of livestock equipment, combining the advantages of metal and a flexible 76 mm plastic tube to offer an optimal solution for animal welfare. A range of hybrid cubicles designed for dairy herds, dairy cows, and heifers. The Cowflex II cubicle is a good compromise between the animal's comfort and its perfect guidance for the cleanliness of the cubicle. WATCH THE VIDEO
A range of OCTAGONAL posts of 76, 102 and 140 mm. Octagonal in shape, this post combines the anti-rotation benefit of a square design with the resistance a round form. To reduce the effects of corrosion in harsh environments, it can be combined with a double protective sleeve. For the 102-mm model, a pre-installation heat-shrinkable plastic sleeve is available. Or opt for a 102 or 140-mm version with powder-coated paint over galvanization at a height of 1 m.
The racks are designed for the distribution of hay mainly outdoors. Depending on the model, the rack keeps the food off the ground, away from the trampling of animals, and shelters it from the rain thanks to the roof. They are available in different variations that adapt to the morphology of all animals (sheep, cattle with or without horns, goats, horses), and to the type of bale used (round or rectangular bale). Our racks are round, square, or rectangular with or without three points.
View gallery Dairy buildings in the USA and CANADA
Large-scale dairy buildings, with the SAFETY IV headlock used at the trough as a containment tool, allowing animals to be held in place for treatment (healthcare), insemination, ultrasound procedures, etc. Euro-type metal cubicles mounted on OCTAGONAL posts with BLS or BLD brackets for a clean lying area, often combined with a bed in a hollow cubicle. Due to weather conditions, the buildings are insulated and building ventilation is very important, with an air extractor and side opening for air intake in summer. Milking is often carried out on a rotary system known as a Roto.
Headlock | Barriers | Safety IV
Dairy buildings in Europe
Dairy buildings on a more human scale, with the SAFETY IV headlock used at the trough as a containment tool, allowing animals to be held in place for daily treatment, insemination, ultrasound procedures, etc. Euro-type metal cubicles mounted on OCTAGONAL posts, or hybrid-type cubicles such as the Cowflex. On the whole, this concerns animals sent outside from spring and buildings with automated scraping, feed distribution, and often milking.
Headlock | Barriers | Cubicles | Cowflex
Fattening buildings
A range of 5-tube barriers which can be used to create fattening pens, generally with 2-tube fattening panels on frame posts or OCTAGONAL posts.
The robust fattening panels, made from non-welded 102-mm OCTAGONAL tube, with EX5 barriers and numerous options for a duo-type man passage, wide passage, calf passage and drinker, enable the design of a functional building. Not forgetting the AUTOLOCK front with SURLOCK bracket, allowing the creation of a small passage with secure slam-shut closure.
Cattle | Barriers | Post | TRÈFLE
Suckler cow building
A range of AXIAL, RC and self-locking feston headlocks, making it possible to create pens for cows with their calves.
The robust EX5 barriers and the numerous options for a duo-type man passage, wide passage, calf passage and drinker, enable the design of a functional building. Not forgetting the AUTOLOCK front with SURLOCK bracket, allowing the creation of a small passage with secure slam-shut closure.
RC Headlock | FESTON Headlock | Barriers
Sheep building
The sheep headlock, with its double frame for group adjustment, can be used to quickly and simply adjust the yokes of all animals, as well as to switch into self-service position. Installed with its own post on a trough wall. The range of 7-bar small animal barriers can be used to form groups, not forgetting our hurdles which are suitable for creating lambing pens.
Sheep headlock | Panel small animals | Sheep hurdle | Hay rack
Goat building
The goat headlock can be used to hold animals in place at the trough in order to limit feed competition and to carry out everyday handling operations. Installed with its own post on a trough wall. Vertical bar partitions and goat hurdles enable animal separation.
Goat headlock | Panel small animals | Goat hurdle | Hay rack
Horse equipment
A range of boxes on a fixed SULLY-type facade with a hand passage for trough access. A rotating trough is available as an optional extra. The self-service facade or self-service module. A range of fixed resin partitions or a sliding partition version. Quality boxes combined with our range of barriers and hay racks.
Box | Self-service | Hay rack
Handling areas
The ½ Corral handling area, combined with the intermediate section and adjustable handling area race, allows animals to be perfectly controlled for treatment, sorting and loading in complete safety.
Cow | Handling | Handling corral